Getting Started

monea-cli is a command line tool for managing, running, and deploying any configuration of rollups.

Please note this CLI is NON-FUNCTIONAL. It is just a basic println() demo for what is to come. monea-cli WILL not run or deploy any containers on your machine. You can play around at-will


brew tap monea-labs/tap
brew install monea-cli


monea --help

For more info, view the CLI reference docs or check out the Github Repo. :)


To spin up a local and default Polygon zkEVM CDK chain setup:

monea run --execution polygon-cdk

To deploy a public cloud optimium L3 (rolls up into Base L2) with Celestia data availability onto Monea Cloud:

monea deploy --execution op-stack --data-availability celestia --settlement base

To create 2 template setups and run each locally at the same time:

monea templates new --name my-first-l2 --execution op-stack --sequencer espresso
monea templates new --name another-l2 --execution op-stack --sequencer based
monea run my-first-l2 my-other-l2

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